RODRIGO SANCHEZ CM WASHED: Colombia Carbonic Maceration
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This beautiful coffee is produced by Rodrigo Sanchez at Finca El Progreso in the Pitalito Region of Colombia. It is a caturra bourbon varietal processed with a washed carbonic maceration process - this results in a unique cup profile that is fruit dominant, balanced and sweet.
Tasting Notes: Raspberry, Cherry Candy, Passion Fruit, Vanilla
Cup score: 88.75 ☕
This coffee is produced by the same producer as Slurpy and Pineapple Pop. So if you liked these, this will float your boat.
Coffees from Rodrigo Sanchez have been Crew Favorites and we tend to run out of them very quickly, so secure your bag before we are out!

Finca El Progreso is located in Vereda El Caramelo, Palestina municipality outside of the city of Pitalito. The farm belongs to Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia and Claudia Samboni and grows Geisha, Bourbon, and Caturra trees between 1580-1700 meters above sea level. The property has been a coffee farm for 80 years, starting with eight hectares planted with coffee and growing to its current 22 hectares.
The property is special because it is where the Sanchez Valencia family was born and raised. Rodrigo, Claudia, and their team focus on producing both quality and quantity. By following a systematic plan for fertilizations, variety selection, pest and plague control, harvesting, and processing, they and their team are able to produce both consistent quality and overall high volumes per hectare.
All cherries harvested are measured for degrees Brix. Based on sugar content indicated, the team at Aromas del Sur, the umbrella group of Monteblanco, Progreso, and La Loma farms, then designates which processing method is appropriate.

☠️ Single origin from Colombia
☠️ Region: Pitalito
☠️ Producer: Rodrigo Sanchez
☠️ Farm: Finca El Progreso
☠️ Roast: Light/Medium
☠️ Brew: Filter/Espresso
☠️ Varietal: Caturra Bourbon
☠️ Process: Washed Carbonic Maceration
☠️ Cup Score: 88.75
☠️ Tasting Notes:
- Raspberry
- Cherry Candy
- Passion Fruit
- Vanilla
☠️ Altitude: 1580 - 1700 masl
☠️ Whole Bean