RODRIGO SANCHEZ GESHA: Colombia Anaerobic Washed
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This beautiful and rare Geisha varietal Coffee is produced by Rodrigo Sanchez at his most sought after Monteblanco Farm located in Pitalito, Hulia, Colombia.
The Anaerobic washed process gives this coffee a soothing and comfortable Tea-Like drinking experience that is sweet and floral.
Tasting Notes: Turkish Delight, Milk Chocolate, Rosewater, Jasmine, Vanilla, Juniper Berry
Cup score: 90.00 ☕
This coffee is produced by the same producer as Slurpy. Rodrigo Sanchez Sangria, Rodrigo Sanchez CM Washed, 2024 Slurpy and Pineapple Pop. So if you liked these, this will float your boat.
Coffees from Rodrigo Sanchez have been crew favorites and we tend to run out of them very quickly, so secure your bag before we are out!

Monteblanco sits surrounded by the Cueva de los Guacharos National Natural Park, and rests right by the Suaza River Valley.
The natural landscape that sprawls in each direction provides the farm with a direct connection to nature and the wonderful flora and fauna that exists within it. The fourteen hectares of Monteblanco is a family farm managed by Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia.
☠️ Single origin from Colombia
☠️ Region: Pitalito, Hulia
☠️ Producer: Rodrigo Sanchez
☠️Farm: Monteblanco Farm
☠️ Roast: Light/Medium
☠️ Brew: Filter/Espresso
☠️ Varietal: Geisha
☠️ Process: Anaerobic Washed
☠️ Cup Score: 90.00
☠️ Tasting notes:
- Turkish Delight
- Milk Chocolate
- Rosewater
- Jasmine
- Vanilla
- Juniper Berry
☠️ Altitude: 1730 masl
☠️ Whole BeanR